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20170902A Legend Alf Galea DSCN1531

WRFLUA Hall of Fame Legends.

The association has decided to honour past and present umpires, administrators and officials by creating a Hall of Fame. Incorporated in that will be a "Legends Status" for certain people that the committee decide this honour is warranted to be awarded. The intention is that a selection committee will use certain criteria that have been set to make a decision on a person worthy of entry into the Hall of Fame. It is intended to use the Mid Season Dinner Dance to launch this and in 2003, the "Year of the Umpire", a total of ten people were inducted including one given "Legend Status". Each year thereafter the committee will decide on further persons to induct with the intention that an honour board mounted on the back wall of the umpires rooms will be used to honour these people. All inductees will be honoured with a certificate and their photo will be placed on this honour board.

The first selection committee comprises Henry McFerran, Terry O'Donnell, Wally Hopkins and Frank Lane. This committee has set the criteria and will meet in February to select inductees. It is envisaged that over the years different people will form this selection committee but all working off the criteria that has been set by the first committee. Each selector serves for two years and is then replaced by two more. In the first term, two will step down only after the first two years with the other two stepping down in third year. This does not preclude the same selectors serving another term after a break.

Criteria for selection to the hall of fame:

1. In the first year 10 people will be inducted of which one will be given Legend Status. (It should be noted that any member of the Hall of Fame can at any time in the future be elevated to "Legend Status").
2. After the first year a maximum of two can be elected but this should not be taken as mandatory.
3. Inductees will be umpires past and present (all categories), administrators (executive members past and present), advisors, coaches and observers.
4. Inductees must have a minimum of five years of service with the FDL/WRFL umpires.
5. For an umpire to be eligible to be an inductee, the following should be taken into account:

a. ability whilst with FDL/WRFL umpires
b. attitude towards umpiring
c. attitude to training
d. service to FDL/WRFL umpiring &/or association
e. they must have umpired at senior open age level but not necessarily at division one standard.

6. The purpose of establishing this award is to recognise people who may not necessarily have progressed to a higher level in umpiring but who throughout the years have contributed to umpiring in the FDL/WRFL. Whilst the intention is to award high achievers at FDL/WRFL level, it does not exclude people who through their efforts over the years, be it at a level below first division, for their tireless work in improving the Umpires Association or umpiring in the FDL/WRFL.
7. It should be noted that the hall of fame committee in any year can decide that there be no inductees for that year.
8. To induct a candidate or elevate a person to Legend Status requires a 75% vote from the selection committee ie. three of the four selectors must agree on the nomination.

It has also been decided that a board of trustees will be formed to administer the above rules and only the people elected as trustees have the power to change the conditions of induction to the Hall of Fame. These trustees will be elected for life, unless a member wishes to retire. Any replacement will be appointed by the current executive of the time. The executive of the Umpires Association will have the power to remove a trustee but this would only be used under extreme circumstances or on the advice of all of the remaining trustees. Any change to the above rules requires a 75% agreement from the trustees.

The trustees in conjunction with the Executive Committee will decide each year when and where the Hall of Fame function will be held.

There will be four trustees and they will be:

1. The current WRFLUA President
2. Henry McFerran
3. Alan Shutt
4. Terry O'Donnell

Year Name
2024 Mark Mather
2023 Terry McGarity
2022 Noel Grant
2021 Adrian O'Donnell
2021 Harold Mason
2018 Paul Battaglia
2016 Alf Galea
2015 John Booker
2014 Graeme Hodgart
2013 Wally Hopkins
2012 Alan Shutt
2011 Terry O'Donnell
2010 Stan Mielzcarek
2009 Shane Carland
2008 Alan Clough
2007 Jim Rayner
2006 Henry McFerran
2005 Bob Madigan
2004 Graham Saville
2003 Peter Starford

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