Always try your best and make an effort to keep learning. Most importantly, have fun and love what you do!
- Age 19
- Started 2018
- Highest Level Division 2 Seniors
- Games 34
- Grand Finals 2
- Occupation Uni Student
- Favourite Food Chocolate
- Proudest Achievement Umpiring in the Division 2 Reserves Grand Final (and the Under 17 Division 1 Grand Final) in her first year.
Jody Richards loves to run, so started umpiring to keep running during the winter.
Jody started umpiring because a few athletics friends were umpiring, so wanted to give it a go and keep fit during the winter. She keeps umpiring as it's a great way to be involved with footy and a great social scene as well.
She loves running so loves being able to run on the weekend while watching footy and also likes the social scene.
Her first game was cold and raining as she remembers but it was fast paced and she was worried she wouldn't make it through the game!
Jody's proudest achievement was doing a couple of Div 2 Senior games in her first year as well as winning the 2018 120m Keilor Gift. She umpired in the 2018 Under 17 Division 1 Grand Final and the 2018 Division 2 Reserves Grand Final.
In her first year of umpiring she won the 2018 Most Promising Boundary Umpire at the senior presentation night & 2018 President's Award at the junior presentation night.
Jody would one day love to umpire in Division 1.

2018 U17 D1 Grand Final (with Terry McGarity)
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Ever wondered how those people in green out in the middle of the paddock got to doing what they're doing? Well... here's your chance to find out. Read More